Thank You!
Dear Scholars and Parents,
I would like to express my gratitude for the lovely flowers and the heartfelt cards of appreciation. I can’t wait to use my TJ Maxx gift cards to get some new outfits! I am thinking Maxi Dresses!
Again, your kindness and awesome generosity is deeply appreciated.
Warm regards,
Classroom Update - April 30th
Wow! We have less than a month of school left. I can’t believe how the year has flown by. We still have lots of learning to do along with some fun well deserved end of the year activities. Please remind your child to continue to put forth their personal best in their classroom work and their behavior.
We have completed our “All About” nonfiction unit and beginning our Mem Fox Author study unit. In addition, we are continuing to explore poetry.
On Thursday, the Scholars will have their EDM end of the year assessment. We will practice and review EDM concepts to prepare for the assessment. It is important to practice at home as well.
The next few weeks include a whirlwind of events. Please note the dates below. As always, please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a Fabulous week!
Important Dates to Remember
5/1 Field Day Hot Dog Lunch order forms due
5/3 Creek Kid Assembly at 9:15am
5/4 No School- Assessment Day
5/9 1st Grade Musical Performance” Go Fish” at 6:30pm
Scholars should wear either a plain blue or green shirt.
5/11 Mother’s Day Tea at 2:30pm
5/15 WCE Spelling Bee at 1:00pm
5/17 All library books and fines are due in order to participate in Field Day.
5/17 1stGrade End of the Year Open House from 4:00pm – 7:00pm (SlyReply coming this week)
5/18 WCE Field Day
5/25 The last day of school
A HUGE Thank You HUG goes out to Mrs. Smith (Carter’s mom) for volunteering to teach Junior Achievement. During the week of fun interactive lessons the Scholars learned all about: community helpers, jobs, families and their responsibilities, and money (needs and wants).