Chinese New Year
Classroom Update
We have begun our “How-To” unit in Reading and Writing Workshop. The Scholars are very excited! The unit focuses on nonfiction text features in how –to- books such as: a list of materials, sequential steps, pictures, and other expository text features.
The Scholars are learning all about the importance of using nonfiction text to expand their schema, learning how to follow explicit directions, and how to write their own How –to- books.

Authors are blooming!
I am very pleased with the Scholars writing. They are using their writer’s manners and including lots of details in their stories.
The expectation is that their stories have a beginning, middle and an end. A grabbing lead not a yawner! Sentences should begin with a capital letter and have an end mark. In addition, proper nouns should be capitalized; no run away sentences and no-excuse words are spelled correctly.
Whew! This may sound like a lot;however, the Scholars have been practicing all of the above in class and are becoming EXPERTS!
Please help reinforce correct spelling. Often Scholars can spell no-excuse words during a spelling test; however, the consistent transferring into their writing is not always demonstrated.
Practice Makes Better!
Please continue to practice place value, counting coins and exchanging coins for the same amount with fewer coins, more than and less than, telling time to the half hour, quarter-to and quarter pass hour, addition and subtraction.
· January 31st – Arvada Arts Center to see How I Became a Pirate
· February 6th- Our 100th Day of School!
· February 16th – Museum of Nature and Science