We are participating in the Karl Mecklenburg Reach for a Book reading program. The students read for a minimum of 100 minutes per week. Students are expected to keep track of their reading minutes ( along with their parent's assistance) and parents are asked to initial the weekly reading log.

Please make sure your child returns their initialed reading log in their homework folder every Thursday.

Incentives will be given to all participants every two weeks. The top readers and their parents will be invited to a special luncheon with host Karl Mecklenburg. Where they will receive a gift bag and a book.

All Scholars are expected to participate!

The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

Description: - Dr. Seuss, "I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!"


I will no longer be sending spelling home for homework. Spelling will be completed in class during our Skills Block.

Also, I have changed our weekly reading log to help you and your Scholar monitor the number of minutes they read each night. This will help as they strive to read 100 minutes each week -- or more!

I have added writing along with a weekly writing prompt. I have included the writing rubric that we use in class to help us become better writers. The writing rubric is a tool which can be used to help your Scholar take ownership of their work, set writing goals, and think about their writing from beginning to end.

On the back of the rubric is a graphic organizer. Before your Scholar begins writing, they should use their graphic organizer to help them plan their writing like real authors. The graphic organizer helps to activate their schema and organize their ideas, and thinking. It’s a visual organizer and like the writing rubric it helps the Scholars think about their writing from the beginning to the end.

The Art Room Needs Your Help!!

What? Please bring in toilet paper rolls and SMALL boxes (i.e. mac and cheese boxes, butter boxes, spaghetti boxes). NO CEREAL BOXES PLEASE!

Why? 1st grade students will be beginning a sculpture unit after spring break and we need your help to collect materials

When? Now!

Where? There will be a box in our classroom that will be used to collect materials as they come in